RGB lights strip can be divided into two categories,
Colorful led strip and full color led strip, colorful led lights is
refers to the whole led strip in the display of the color has a total
of seven, respectively is red, blue, green, white, purple, red, yellow,
, colorful lights by a dedicated controller to control the led strip color,
but not that many show way. So the effect is relatively simple, mainly
in order to beat sound effects cannot realize the Full-color.Full-color
led strip and called Magic led lights strip, refers to any color can be
achieved, in theory, be able to reach more than 30,000 kinds, can
achieve a gradual, meteors, chase, windows, marquees and so on effect,
mainly used in that outdoor lighting decoration, KTV decoration,
decorative corridor, Patty decoration atmosphere and so on.There the led
strip device was, with a control ic that it’s could control work of
led strip.generally have control IC: WS2811, WS2812B, WS2821, WS2822.