
What kind of relationship infrared with the human body?

What kind of relationship infrared with wavelengths of  human body ?The human body (like a ir led strips in operation)have  generated vast amounts of  far infrared in every moment。it was determined: far-infrared wavelengths near 9.6 micron emission in the human body! Wavelengths (5.6-15 microns) and far infrared wavelength emitted from the human body (the average temperature is 36.5 ℃, the temperature  translated into the wavelength as 9.4 microns) overlap,   in the same band range of frequency, it is possible to make cell of human body  in active mode, a phenomenon called resonance!It can activate cells, promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, enhance that the body's own immune function! theResonance is laws of nature, Called resonance in mechanics,  Called  chord  in Acoustics,called harmonic in electronics 。Resonance can make the energy feedback effect is greatly improved. , greatly increase the range of motion of the original object! Can see this phenomenon through the experiment in vivo! From the microscopic point of view, due to the movement of human biological cell, including a large number of water molecules motion (vibration, rotation suchetc...) will cause internal transitions particles! When the transition from a high energy level to a lower energy level, with  a light energy to radiation of infrared light. This is far-infrared light-emitting mechanism! This movement is a normal physiological activity,   Conversely,when the far infrared emission wavelength close to the body of human, because the frequency is close to resonance (or the resonant), which can make human body cell and molecular motion( increasing physical activity)
.which is obviously to activate cells,  really boost metabolism!
the warm effect of human body is closely related with far infrared ray. By irradiating, the cell and moleculeswas involved in a collision and  enormous increase in human body., this will make the thermal effect is more obvious, more in-depth(to be able to penetrate the human skin approximately 4-5 cm)! In addition, because the human body continuously emit far infrared rays, in this frequency range, but also to the direct absorption of far infrared band to supply pelople's bodies with Energy! We can say that The human body (like a ir led strip in operation)have  generated vast amounts of  far infrared in every moment, but also  absorption in the far infrared in every moment, at the same time, , human life is inseparable from the far infrared ray from the origin to the development! this Why it is so important for every one.